Night Time is the Write Time
The rain ends at last and the moon rises over the lake.

Animals move around outside the Cabin with small rustlings of the underbrush. searching for panfish drippings near our campfire. The Dog lifts his head from his favorite rug and notes their scent on the breeze which comes to him from under the door, but he does not make a sound.

Make a space for yourself at the old kitchen table. Write, or draw, your thoughts by the light of a battered Coleman lantern.

Then sleep deeply. Tomorrow we'll go on a new adventure.

Animals move around outside the Cabin with small rustlings of the underbrush. searching for panfish drippings near our campfire. The Dog lifts his head from his favorite rug and notes their scent on the breeze which comes to him from under the door, but he does not make a sound.

Make a space for yourself at the old kitchen table. Write, or draw, your thoughts by the light of a battered Coleman lantern.

Then sleep deeply. Tomorrow we'll go on a new adventure.